Sunday, 22 November 2015

“Free” Playstation Plus games for any region

NOTE: You must have a valid Playstation PLUS subscription from a region, doesn’t matter which (MOST LIKELY YOUR HOME REGION)
STEP 1 : Make or use a different region’s PSN account that you have (IN THIS CASE I’M USING MY JAPANESE ACCOUNT) and login.
STEP 2: Go to Application Save Data Management on the PS4 under Settings
STEP 3: Go to Saved Data in Online Storage 
STEP 4: You’ll see two options, the top option is a 2 day free trial to PLAYSTATION PLUS (NOTE 2: CREDIT CARD NOT REQUIRED TO WORK) 
STEP 5: Go to the PLAYSTATION STORE of that region (IN THIS CASE JAPANESE) and download as much free PLAYSTATION PLUS content, games, addons, whatever you want (IN THIS CASE MY EXAMPLE IS HATSUNE MIKU PLAYSTATION PLUS THEATER)

STEP 6: Now that you have those downloaded to your system if you play the content on a NON PLAYSTATION PLUS ACCOUNT you will be greeted with this on the main menu of HATSUNE MIKU NOTICE THE “TRIAL BROADCAST” Instead of “COMPLETE BROADCAST” but as long as the account is a PLAYSTATION PLUS ACCOUNT it will show the “COMPLETE BROADCAST” Meaning that you can use the content on your home region
STEP 7: PROFIT…. so pretty much you can see when the 2 day trial is worth it to you, download all the games and content you want, and be able to use it on your home region (as long as your home region has a valid PLAYSTATION PLUS ACCOUNT) and yes Addons work as long as the game is not different from its other region counterpart (I downloaded Guilty Gear free playstation Plus addons, and it worked on my American Copy of the game.

Saturday, 21 November 2015

PS4 Getting PS2 Emulation Support

So recently I wrote about the New Xbox One update and its goodies and here I am today with some PS4 news about emulation. It turns out that the rumored PS1 & PS2 emulation for the PS4 that Sony talked about about a year ago is now actually going to be a thing. Things lit up for me in the middle of the night with reports about a PS2 emulator coming to the PS4 and then I found this article for Wired where Sony did indeed confirm that it was happening:
We are working on utilizing PS2 emulation technology to bring PS2 games forward to the current generation,
We have nothing further to comment at this point in time.

PS2 Emulation on PS4 – What’s available?

The PS2 emulator should already be available to these recent reports and there is even a bundle that includes some of these classics, to be exact the Star Wars Battlefront PS4 bundle includes Super Star Wars, Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter, Star Wars: Racer Revenge and Star Wars: Bounty Hunter.
ps2 emulation on ps4
With all of this said I don’t own or have access to a PS4 so it’s up to the community to actually confirm this and see if there is anything out place. The articles I’ve read are claiming that the games are being upscaled by the emulator and results are impressive but as I myself can’t run these games I couldn’t say for sure butEurogamer have there own report on it and even a video and I think this is very exciting, it seems Sony might be doing something with there console and looking at feedback on what could be a part of the next firmware so I think there might be some good stuff planned for the PS4, if only the Vita could get some more of this love.
Is there any game you would like to try on the new emulator?

Wii U Emulator: Cemu 1.1.0 released

The Wii U emulator that became an instant success, Cemu, is out with update 1.1.0.

Wii U Emulator Cemu 1.1.0: What’s new?

Developer Exzap announced on GBATemp yesterday that he has rewritten the graphics backend, which has the side effect of fixing a bunch of graphic bugs, and should make bug fixing and improvements easier in the future. He mentions Shovel Knight is now working and playable.
This is a welcome update from most users, although there is still no support for AMD GPUs.
wii u emulator Cemu
The full changelog:
  • New future-proof GPU7 shader assembly to GLSL decompiler (work-in-progress)
  • Fixed a few bugs in color and depth buffer emulation.
  • Added more system functions, leading to higher compatibility.
  • Added hacky support for DRC rotation. Right click on the render window & drag to change the orientation
  • Implemented some background logic for audio emulation. No audio output yet.

Wii U Emulator Download – Cemu 1.1.0

You can download Cemu 1.1.0 on the official site here
Source GBATemp, via Hackinformer