Monday 15 June 2015

PS Vita Hack: Yifan Lu announces “Rejuvenate” – A platform for native PS Vita Homebrews!

Despite not getting a space on Sony’s E3 lineup, Yifan Lu decided to announce a PS Vita hack: the Rejuvenate platform for the PS Vita on his very own blog.
But what is Rejuvenate? Well…

PS Vita Hack – What is Rejuvenate?

Summarized: A way to have native PS Vita homebrews on your portable (No PS VitaTV support) Playstation Vita handheld!
The Rejuvenate ps vita hack does NOT enable any kind of PS Vita piracy, even if Yifan Lu wished to, he cannot, due to limitations preventing piracy on the vita itself.
Yifan Lu bypassed a few limitations that Sony has added to the PSM programme, which in the end made it possible for him to enable native Homebrews for the PS Vita through this hack.
PS Vita Hack
Like he has said in the past few weeks, the PSM Dev application is necessary and you have to have the PSM SDK installed (on your computer). If you lack these things, you cannot use Rejuvenate. Yifan Lu says he expects Sony to remove the PSM Dev App from the PSN Store any time now, so get it while you still can.
If you are a fan of numbers, then keep in mind that the PSP 2000+ (non-1000) has 64MB of shared memory, runs at 333MHz (CPU) and 166Mhz (GPU), while the PS Vita has 512MB of memory (main), 128MB of (video) RAM and four CPU’s running at approx. 1GHz each!
ps vita hack - psmdev
If the PSP could provide cool homebrews with its weak hardware, then just think of what the PS Vita, and its great hardware, could be capable of?!
Heavy modifications in terms of installing an alternative OS, major (or minor) system modifications or kernel access is not possible with Rejuvenate.
If you want to know more about Yifan Lu’s upcoming platform release, then head over to his blog. He is explaining a lot of things regarding Rejuvenate, including the upcoming release schedule, as well as limitations. Cheers for this PS Vita hack!
Source via Yifan Lu.

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