Wednesday 9 December 2015

PS4 hack: what we know of the kernel exploit so far

Several devs close to the recently revealed PS4 Kernel exploit have spoken up on IRC and other communication channels, to clarify the current status of this PS4 hack.
Probably the most important piece of information is that the Kernel exploit announced by CTurt this week is already patched on recent firmwares. It is believed that the exploit will run on PS4s up to firmware 1.76. Oh, and several sources have now confirmed that this exploit is real (not that we doubted it given that Cturt is a trusted source, but it’s good to have multiple confirmations)
Now, it being patched does not mean this exploit is a waste, quite the contrary. We’ve learned that several groups have discovered and started investigating the exploit roughly at the same time, several months ago. It is safe to assume this exploit has enabled them to investigate the PS4 firmware in depth, and understand more of its inner workings.
In other words: hackers now have access to the entire PS4 system, and can study its security mechanism, kernel, and libraries, at will.
PS4 Jailbreak 2016
Down the road, this could allow them to reverse engineer parts of the PS4 system firmware, and find more exploits (some of which would be available on recent firmwares), as well as setting the basics for a scene-driven PS4 SDK, which would later on let people write homebrews.

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